Graduate Admissions FAQs

Physics GRE scores and General GRE scores will be optional for the upcoming admissions cycle with application deadline December 15, 2021. Note that this new policy may not be reflected on all Harvard University websites yet. Note also that several other graduate physics programs have made similar changes to their GRE policies, so please be sure to check in with any programs to which you will be applying. Questions about our policy should be directed to the Department of Physics at

General Information

Our Department welcomes all applicants to its graduate degree program. If you are interested in applying, please examine the physics department areas of research. You may also find it useful to examine the corresponding page for our School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS).

If you decide to apply to our graduate program, we urge you to review the GSAS information page for prospective students, especially the detailed application instructions and requirements, as well as the specific requirements of the physics program of study. Here is where you can find a full list of course offerings in the physics department, and course offerings from other departments at You may also find useful information at our department's web site. For specific questions for the physics department, please contact us as

For more general inquiries about the admissions process at Harvard's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS), please visit the GSAS admissions page.


  1. Does the physics department accept applications for a master's (AM) degree?
  2. On the online application form, I found a place to upload a "writing sample." Are writing samples required by the physics department?
  3. Are there separate deadlines for online and paper materials?


  1. Can I apply both to physics and another program at the same time?
  2. Will my application be harmed if I apply to two separate programs?
  3. My undergraduate background is in engineering, and most of my technical courses are in applied math, applied chemistry, and applied physics. Is Harvard's physics department the right program for me?
  4. I'm hoping to do observational astronomy/astrophysics at the Center for Astrophysics (CfA). Should I be applying to the department of physics?
  5. I'm concerned about which department I should apply to.
  6. I know that applicants are allowed to apply to two departments simultaneously. I don't see an "add second department" option -- do I need to open a second application?


  1. Given my academic background, what are my odds of acceptance?


  1. Do I need to submit financial information with my application?
  2. How much funding do physics graduate students receive?
  3. How do graduate students without external fellowships secure summer funding at Harvard's physics program?
  4. Are international PhD students guaranteed funding at Harvard's physics department?
  5. Does the physics department permit part-time enrollment?


  1. What courses are required for candidacy to the program?
  2. My undergraduate major is in a subject different from physics, and I did not take key physics classes like statistical physics and quantum mechanics, but I have strengths in other areas, such as high GRE scores. Am I precluded from applying?
  3. Can I still apply for the PhD program if I plan on graduating from my undergraduate institution during the summer before the first fall semester?
  4. What are the course requirements for obtaining a PhD?


  1. The application asks for a list of relevant courses taken at my undergraduate institution. Do I still have to complete that part of the application if the courses are already listed on my uploaded official transcript?
    I attended a university in another country, and the course names and textbook names are all in a foreign language. Do I still need to fill out the list of undergraduate courses on the application form?
  2. The physics department specifically requires that candidates submit additional documentation of their most advanced courses and textbooks used. Where do I submit that list?
  3. The application instructions ask students applying to the physics program to list the four most advanced physics/astronomy courses and the two most advanced math courses they have taken so far. May I list more than six total courses?
  4. As an undergraduate, I've taken several advanced theoretical courses that can't easily be classified as either pure physics or pure math. In my list of advanced courses, should I classify these courses as physics or math?
  5. Do I need my undergraduate institution to mail in my transcripts for me, or can I mail them myself?
  6. If I spent a semester at another university under a study-abroad program, but all my grades are reported on my home institution's transcript, do I need to send a redundant transcript from the study-abroad institution?
  7. I spent a few semesters at one undergraduate institution before transferring to another. Do I need to provide transcripts from both institutions?
  8. I am attending a one-year graduate program, and I do not yet have official grades or a transcript that I can include with my undergraduate transcript. Can I submit the graduate program's transcript after the official application deadline?
  9. My university does not have an official policy of providing GPAs. Should I leave the GPA field blank on the application?
  10. I am an international student, and my undergraduate institution uses a numerical grading  system different from the standard American system. Should I enter my numerical grade values in the application form? Should I calculate a GPA?
  11. My transcript is in another language. Do I still need to submit it?
  12. My university does not provide transcripts, but does provide an official form with a list of my courses and grades. What should I upload in place of a transcript?
  13. My university does not produce official paper transcripts -- my university asks students to provide their academic records department with an  email address for sending out a secure link. Can applicants to Harvard's physics program use this system rather than uploading an official transcript?
  14. I submitted my online application without attaching the required list of my six most advanced physics and math courses. How can I get the information to the admissions committee?


  1. What is the official code for reporting TOEFL/IELTS scores?
  2. Do I have to take (or retake) the TOEFL/IELTS? My circumstances make it inconvenient or difficult to do so, and my English is pretty good.
  3. My undergraduate university was not primarily English-speaking, but I later attended a master's program at an English-speaking university. Do I still need to submit TOEFL/IELTS scores?
  4. My undergraduate institution is in a non-English-speaking country, but English was the only language of instruction. Do I need to submit TOEFL/IELTS scores, and, if not, how do I prove that I did my undergraduate work in English?
  5. I have a professor of English Literature who is willing to write me a certificate regarding my English skills -- do I still need to take the TOEFL/IELTS?


  1. Does the Harvard physics program have a written qualifying exam? If I have extensive academic preparation, can I take it at the beginning of my first year?


  1. There is a professor on your faculty whose research area lines up with my my interests and abilities. Can I do anything when I apply to ensure that I'll be able to work with this faculty member if I am accepted?


  1. I am having difficulty getting my scanned transcript under the 2MB upload limit. What should I do?
  2. I have made a serious error in my submitted application. Whom can I contact for help?



  1. Does the physics department accept applications for a master's (AM) degree?
    The Harvard physics program does not permit students to apply for a master's (AM) degree -- the program only accepts applications for a PhD, although many physics PhD students receive an AM degree along the way to completing their doctorate. However, the applied physics program at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) offers a master of science degree -- you can examine their areas of research at
  2. On the online application form, I found a place to upload a "writing sample." Are writing samples required by the physics department?
  3. ts and Sciences (GSAS) require a writing sample, but the physics department does not. For information on the required materials for the application to the physics program, please see GSAS page for prospective physics students.
  4. Are there separate deadlines for online and paper materials?
    To ensure consideration of your application, please ensure that all your application materials meet the physics graduate program's deadline.


  1. Can I apply both to physics and another program at the same time?
    Prospective students are indeed permitted to apply simultaneously to two separate programs at Harvard. For example, students are free to apply both to the Department of Physics and SEAS. (By contrast, students may not apply to multiple departments within any single program, so you cannot apply to two different departments that are both contained within SEAS.)

    From the official application instructions: "Consideration by More than One Program — [...] The Graduate School does not recommend submission of more than one application. However, if you choose to submit multiple applications (up to a limit of two), the applications may not share any item. Each application must have its own transcripts, recommendations, financial data, test scores, [application fee], etc. All supplemental materials must be scanned, uploaded, and attached to your online application. It is Graduate School policy that an individual may submit only one application per program. It is Graduate School policy that an individual may submit no more than three applications during the course of his or her academic career."

  2. Will my application be harmed if I apply to two separate programs?
    Your application will not be negatively affected.
  3. My undergraduate background is in engineering, and most of my technical courses are in applied math, applied chemistry, and applied physics. Is Harvard's physics department the right program for me?
    The physics department has had many students with an undergraduate engineering degree. Given your undergraduate major in mechanical engineering, and your previous courses in applied math, applied chemistry, and applied physics, you might also be interested in applying to one of the programs in Harvard's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) -- you may find it useful to examine their areas of research.
  4. I'm hoping to do observational astronomy/astrophysics at the Center for Astrophysics (CfA). Should I be applying to the department of physics?
    Astrophysics is offered by both the Department of Astronomy and of Physics. If deemed appropriate, applications for Astrophysics may be transferred by the Physics committee to the Department of Astronomy for review.

    If you're interested in doing observational astronomy/astrophysics at the Center for Astrophysics (CfA), you might consider applying to Harvard's Department of Astronomy instead of or in addition to the physics department. For more information about the astronomy department, please see

  5. I'm concerned about which department I should apply to.
    The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) permits candidates to apply to up to two programs at the same time, and up to three over a student's entire career. Furthermore, admissions committees sometimes share applications when they believe certain candidates have interests that suit other programs.
  6. I know that applicants are allowed to apply to two departments simultaneously. I don't see an "add second department" option -- do I need to open a second application?
    Students who are applying to two programs must submit two applications.


  1. Given my academic background, what are my odds of acceptance?
    The physics department's admissions committee reviews each candidate's entire application, including statement of purpose, transcript, experience, GRE scores, and letters of recommendation -- the statement of purpose and letters of recommendation being especially important. Beyond that, the department cannot determine in advance the likelihood of success in any particular case.


  1. Do I need to submit financial information with my application?
    Financial information is not required for applications to the physics department.
  2. How much funding do physics graduate students receive?
    All Harvard physics graduate students are guaranteed funding, which fully covers tuition and fees, the student's health insurance (family members can join the student's plan, but must fully pay their own share), and an annual salary of approximately $25k, or $30k if the student secures summer funding as well or if the student wins an outside fellowship (the NSF GRFP, for example).
  3. How do graduate students without external fellowships secure summer funding at Harvard's physics program?
    Students can obtain summer funding by obtaining a research appointment (RA) with a faculty member's research group. Students who are unable to obtain a summer RA can instead secure funding by assistant-teaching summer classes, or by working in the library or machine shop.
  4. Are international PhD students guaranteed funding at Harvard's physics department?
    Many international students apply to and are accepted to our physics program; in past years, up to 40% of our students have been international. And all PhD students -- including international students -- are guaranteed funding. Please see our "Admissions and Financial Aid" page (in particular, the section under "Financial Aid") for detailed information about our program's funding structure for graduate students.
  5. Does the physics department permit part-time enrollment?
    The department does not permit part-time enrollment. Full-time enrollment is considered to be 40 hours per week, although in practice most graduate students often work much longer hours -- the work consists mainly of research, but certain semesters also include assistant-teaching.


  1. What courses are required for candidacy to the program?
    There are no specific, mandatory course requirements for candidacy. However, prospective students should be well-versed in intermediate physics and mathematics. Typically, applicants will have devoted between 50 and 60 credit hours -- approximately half of their undergraduate work -- to physics, mathematics, and chemistry. It is desirable for every applicant to have completed at least one year of introductory quantum mechanics classes.
  2. My undergraduate major is in a subject different from physics, and I did not take key physics classes like statistical physics and quantum mechanics, but I have strengths in other areas, such as high GRE scores. Am I precluded from applying?
    Everyone is entitled to apply to the physics program. Weaker course background can sometimes be balanced out by stronger areas on a prospective student's application for admission, such as GRE scores, but the department cannot determine in advance the likelihood of success in any particular case.
  3. Can I still apply for the PhD program if I plan on graduating from my undergraduate institution during the summer before the first fall semester?
    The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) requires only that incoming students have graduated by their intended date of matriculation, so graduating during the summer before the first fall semester is generally acceptable.
  4. What are the course requirements for obtaining a PhD?
    Course requirements for physics PhD students consist of:
       - 2 semesters of graduate-level quantum mechanics (at the level of Merzbacher or Gottfried/Yan),
       - 1 semester of graduate-level statistical mechanics (at the level of Pathria),
       - 1 semester of graduate-level electromagnetism (at the level of Jackson),
       - 4 semesters of elective courses at the graduate level, with no more than 2 in any single subject area
       - 1 semester of the graduate-level experimental laboratory course (for theorists)

    Some of these requirements may be waived if the student has taken equivalent courses previously, depending on the discretion of the physics department's Committee on Higher Degrees. For more details, please see our official page on course requirements, as well as our page on petitioning the Committee on Higher Degrees for course credit.

    You can find a full list of course offerings in the physics department here and course offerings from other departments by visiting


  1. The application asks for a list of relevant courses taken at my undergraduate institution. Do I still have to complete that part of the application if the courses are already listed on my uploaded official transcript?
    I attended a university in another country, and the course names and textbook names are all in a foreign language. Do I still need to fill out the list of undergraduate courses on the application form?
    To ensure that your application is processed correctly and considered by the admissions committee, please fill out all forms completely, even if you believe some of the information is already on your academic transcript or are uncertain that the information will be useful and necessary.
  2. The physics department specifically requires that candidates submit additional documentation of their most advanced courses and textbooks used. Where do I submit that list?
    In addition to filling out the course abstract in the main application, you should submit your list of advanced courses and textbooks used in the Additional Academic information/materials section of the online application.
  3. The application instructions ask students applying to the physics program to list the four most advanced physics/astronomy courses and the two most advanced math courses they have taken so far. May I list more than six total courses?
    Yes -- applicants are permitted to list additional advanced courses in relevant subjects if they wish.
  4. As an undergraduate, I've taken several advanced theoretical courses that can't easily be classified as either pure physics or pure math. In my list of advanced courses, should I classify these courses as physics or math?
    In filling out your list of advanced coursework, the admissions committee asks that you please use your best judgment in deciding how to classify your courses.
  5. Do I need my undergraduate institution to mail in my transcripts for me, or can I mail them myself?
    Candidates do not need to ask their undergraduate institutions to mail in student transcripts.

    The Graduate School requires that you upload a copy of your transcript from each college/university attended with your online application. Foreign transcripts---records of all courses, seminars, and examinations, including grades, scores, grading scales, and conferrals of degrees---must be in English. If records are not available in English, original records must be uploaded with certified English translations. All translations must be literal and complete versions of the original records. The University reserves the right to request additional academic documents.

  6. If I spent a semester at another university under a study-abroad program, but all my grades are reported on my home institution's transcript, do I need to send a redundant transcript from the study-abroad institution?
    As long as grades for all your courses are reported on your home institution's transcript, there is no need to submit a redundant transcript from your study-abroad institution.
  7. I spent a few semesters at one undergraduate institution before transferring to another. Do I need to provide transcripts from both institutions?
    The department requires that transfer students submit official transcripts from all undergraduate institutions that they have attended -- every undergraduate class taken by a student at any institution should appear on an official transcript.
  8. I am attending a one-year graduate program, and I do not yet have official grades or a transcript that I can include with my undergraduate transcript. Can I submit the graduate program's transcript after the official application deadline?
    If your current institution does not yet have a transcript or official grades available for you, then the Harvard physics department will accept your application without that information. You can mention your graduate work in your statement of purpose, and, if you'd like, mail a hard-copy of your transcript to GSAS admissions once it becomes available -- the mailing address is the same as for your undergraduate transcript.
  9. My university does not have an official policy of providing GPAs. Should I leave the GPA field blank on the application?
    Please compute a GPA as best you can from your course grades, and enter it into the application form.
  10. I am an international student, and my undergraduate institution uses a numerical grading  system different from the standard American system. Should I enter my numerical grade values in the application form? Should I calculate a GPA?
    The members of our admissions committee have a good understanding of a wide variety of international grading systems, so there's no need to convert your grades. Please just use the numerical values you have, and compute a GPA from them as best you can.
  11. My transcript is in another language. Do I still need to submit it?
    The departments requires all students to submit a transcript or equivalent official academic record with a student's undergraduate grades. If the transcript is in another language, then the candidate should also submit a certified translation.
  12. My university does not provide transcripts, but does provide an official form with a list of my courses and grades. What should I upload in place of a transcript?
    The admissions committee recognizes that some institutions do not produce transcripts, but instead provide other official records of undergraduate work and grades received. In that case, please submit those official records in place of a transcript.
  13. My university does not produce official paper transcripts -- my university asks students to provide their academic records department with an  email address for sending out a secure link. Can applicants to Harvard's physics program use this system rather than uploading an official transcript?
    Unfortunately, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) does not accept transcripts electronically except through their official online application. Please ask your university to send you the transcript, and then upload it manually through the GSAS online application.
  14. I submitted my online application without attaching the required list of my six most advanced physics and math courses. How can I get the information to the admissions committee?
    Please include a hard-copy of the list of advanced courses when you mail your original transcript to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) admissions office.


  1. What is the official code for reporting TOEFL/IELTS scores?
    When requesting official TOEFL score reports, please indicate the receiving institution as Harvard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Code 3451.

    For sending IELTS scores, designate Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences as a recipient of your test results. The GSAS  address, for the record only, to identify us in the IELTS system, is 1350 Massachusetts Ave. Smith Campus Center 350, Cambridge, MA 02138. Paper test report forms will not be accepted at this address.

  2. Do I have to take (or retake) the TOEFL/IELTS? My circumstances make it inconvenient or difficult to do so, and my English is pretty good.
    The department apologizes for any inconvenience, but Harvard's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) requires TOEFL/IELTS scores for all applicants who have not received a BA from an English-speaking undergraduate institution, with exemptions granted only in extreme circumstances. If you believe that your case may qualify, please visit the contact page for the GSAS Office of Admissions.
  3. My undergraduate university was not primarily English-speaking, but I later attended a master's program at an English-speaking university. Do I still need to submit TOEFL/IELTS scores?
    Harvard's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) requires TOEFL or IELTS scores for all applicants who have not received a BA from an English-speaking undergraduate institution, with exemptions granted only in extreme circumstances -- if you believe that your case may qualify, please visit the contact page for the GSAS Office of Admissions.
  4. My undergraduate institution is in a non-English-speaking country, but English was the only language of instruction. Do I need to submit TOEFL/IELTS scores, and, if not, how do I prove that I did my undergraduate work in English?
    The members of the physics department's admissions committee are familiar with most undergraduate institutions around the world, so there's no need to provide specific proof on your application that your institution is English-speaking -- please just check the appropriate box on the online application form. Later on, if any concerns arise during the course of your application process, you will be contacted with further instructions.
  5. I have a professor of English Literature who is willing to write me a certificate regarding my English skills -- do I still need to take the TOEFL/IELTS?
    The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) requires TOEFL or IELTS scores of all non-native-English students who have not attended an English-speaking undergraduate institution. GSAS does not accept alternative forms of verification, such as a letter from a faculty member at a student's undergraduate institution.


  1. Does the Harvard physics program have a written qualifying exam? If I have extensive academic preparation, can I take it at the beginning of my first year?
    Harvard's physics program does not have written qualifying examinations, but instead has a variety of course requirements and an oral examination.

    The oral examination is intended to demonstrate a graduate student's command of his or her subject area, formalize the student's relationship with a research advisor, and provide the department with a snapshot of the student's academic and research progress. As such, students often take the oral exam toward the end of their second year, and are usually required by the department to take it by the end of their third year.

    For more information about the oral exam, please see the relevant section of the physics degree programs.


  1. There is a professor on your faculty whose research area lines up with my my interests and abilities. Can I do anything when I apply to ensure that I'll be able to work with this faculty member if I am accepted?
    Everyone is welcome to apply to the physics program at Harvard, but the department cannot guarantee in advance that any accepted student will be able to work with a particular faculty member.


  1. I am having difficulty getting my scanned transcript under the 2MB upload limit. What should I do?
    The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) recommends trying to save the scanned transcript as a PDF, since that usually leads to reduced file sizes compared to raw image formats. As a last resort, you can try saving the first and second halves of your transcript and uploading them separately, provided you clearly note on the uploaded document that there are multiple parts.
  2. I have made a serious error in my submitted application. Whom can I contact for help?
    Please contact the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) admissions information office. You can reach the office by phone at 617-496-6100 (2:00pm - 5:00pm EST) or by email at

    If you choose to contact the admissions information office by email, please send your message from the same email address you used to register your online application, and put the words ADMISSIONS QUESTION (all capital letters) in your email subject.