
Setting Of How To Kill A Mockingbird


To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in a small town chosen Maycomb, Alabama. In the beginning of the book Scout describes the boondocks as existence a tired niggling town and really hot back and so.This story takes identify in the early xx th century, which affects pretty much every attribute of the story (Lee). During that time period, racism was still rampant and ingrained into daily life. Segregation was still in event, and black people were hated by nearly of the white people in Maycomb. Since blackness people were practically powerless, it was rather easy for the prejudiced white court and jury to captive innocent Tom Robinson to death.

The time of the setting, the early on twenty th century, gave us a glimpse into the daily life of Picket, Jem and Dill during this fourth dimension period. We are told of the adventures and mischief that the iii children get into throughout the mean solar day. Nosotros pretty much become to relive the life of Watch almost 100 years ago.

The story is written with southern dialect, and much of the dialogue is affected by this. In much of the dialogue we become added actuality because of the old southern English used by Harper Lee.


There are several different themes in "To Kill a Mockingbird." I of those themes was innocence. This applies both ways, to Watch'south loss of innocence because of the trial, and the innocent "mockingbirds" of the story. 1 of the recurring themes in this story is Spotter's gradual loss of her babyhood innocence. In the beginning of the story, the main focus is on Lookout, Jem and Dill's adventures and the curiosity around Boo Radley. Afterward Scout starts school, Jem refuses to play with Lookout because they're too former for that now (Lee). When the kids sneak into the courtroom during Tom Robinson'south trial, Picket is exposed to the ugly side of Maycomb. She sees things that she probably should non have seen at her age. By the end of the story, she has niggling if any of her childhood innocence left.

In that location are several "mockingbirds" in this story, or innocent people. Tom Robinson, Lookout, Boo Radley and Mayella Ewell tin can all be considered mockingbirds. Tom is an innocent victim of circumstances. Had Tom Robinson been alive today, he never would take been killed or sentenced to prison house. However, since he was alive during that dark menstruation of American history, he was convicted and killed even though he had washed nothing wrong. Scout is also a mockingbird. She is just an innocent child who is exposed to things that children of her historic period shouldn't be exposed to. Boo Radley had never done anything wrong, but he was often the subject of gossip because his begetter was crazy. He was also a victim of his surroundings when he grew upward, which is why he eventually turned into a recluse. Finally, Mayella Ewell is a mockingbird to a certain extent. While she did help cause the death of the innocent Tom Robinson, many of the reasons for it were across her control. She was a victim of her father's abuse and could have fifty-fifty been forced by her father to accuse Tom of taking advantage of her (Lee). If Mayella didn't take to put upward with her calumniating father, she probably would never accept had Tom put on trial.

One final theme of "To Kill a Mockingbird" was prejudice. This goes right along with the setting of the story. Taking place in Alabama in the early 1900s, blacks were treated like the dirt on Maycomb's anxiety. Even though Tom Robinson was completely innocent, he was found guilty by the prejudiced white jury. The racist jury took the Ewells' give-and-take over Tom's, even though they had no evidence. The Ewells were despised past almost of Maycomb, yet the jury still took their word over Tom's simply because they were white and he was blackness. Very few of the white folk in Maycomb were indifferent to blacks, including Miss Maudy, Atticus, and the finch children. This bullheaded hatred toward blacks is one of the main themes in "To Kill a Mockingbird."


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